“Auntie Mame” cast announced

Director Jayne Victor is proud to announce the cast for Auntie Mame, PPF’s first production of the 2011-2012 season:

Norah Muldoon:    Madalaine “Mim” Vander-Linden
Patrick Dennis as a boy:    Michael Ryjik
Ito:    Bobby Welsh
Vera Charles:    Ruth Neaveill
M. Lindsay Woolsey:    Sean Wilson
Auntie Mame Dennis:    Beth Whitehead
Mr. Babcock:    Dell Pendergrast
Beauregard Jackson Pickett Burnside:   Patrick David
Cousin Jeff:    Will MacLeod
Sally Cato McDougal:    Andra Whitt
Emory McDougal:    Burke Romans – Murray
Mother Burnside:    Smitty Connolly
Patrick Dennis as a young man:    Will MacLeod
Agnes Gooch:    C. Elizabeth Pfeifer
Brian O’ Bannion:    John Wells
Gloria Upson:    Libbey Eads
Doris Upson:    Barbara Gertzog
Claude Upson:    Craig Geoffrion
Pegeen Ryan:    Jessica Silver
Osbert, Ralph Devine, Stage Manager  & Dr. Shurr:    Larry Craven
A Maid, Shopper, Cousin Fan:     Susan Kaplan
Ensemble:    Geoffrey Baskir
(Kirstin Burt, Shan Nan Goto, Terilee Edwards-Hewitt, Raedun Knutsen, Phil Lentz, & Andrea Van Hook)

Thanks to all who came out and shared their talent in the audition process.