Member Resources

Karaoke at the 2019 Winterfest Party

Member Information and Forms

Membership Renewal Information

Providence Players is a membership organization.  You must be a member to participate in a Providence Players production. Membership is $25 for individuals and $60 for families (3 or more people, and includes the entire family).  Membership lasts for one year and is renewable during the month you joined or renewed.

Need to Renew?  Renew Online.

Here are some common questions about membership renewal:

  • If I renewed at the annual meeting, am I still a member? Yes, your membership is good for one year, until the next annual meeting.
  • If I renewed during a recent production in the current season (i.e. Lovers and Executioners or A Christmas Carol), am I still a member? Yes, your membership is good for one year and you will need to renew during your anniversary month (i.e. October for Lovers and Executioners and December for A Christmas Carol).
  • Do I have to remember which month I renewed? No, we will send you a reminder to renew in the month it is due.  So, no need to try and remember.  We will remember for you.
  • Can I still just pay at the annual meeting each year?  Yes, of course.  That remains a wonderful option as we get to see and spend time with you at the annual meeting – which is loads of fun!

Providence Players Master Theater Calendar

PPF 2024-2025 Theater Use Calendar

The Master Calendar provides a 12 month view of scheduled Providence activities. It is important to note that the calendar reflects approved theater use times based on our agreement with the Fairfax County Dept. of Neighborhood and Community Services – James Lee Community Center Theater Manager. These are theater access times and not necessarily rehearsal start and end times which are set by the director/production team of each production based on this calendar.

This schedule is subject to some change over time and will be updated as warranted. From time to time, additional rehearsals are added, either in the theater if it is available, in other space at the James Lee Community Center, or in other locations. These additions will not be reflected on this master calendar as they are arranged separately for each production. Audition dates and any desired pick-up rehearsals for each production are NOT  listed as they are arranged separately with the James Lee Theater Manager on a space available basis.

Guidelines and Handbook

You can view the official company handbook and guidelines here.