“Rumors” Auditions Next Week: March 24th and 25th. Ten Roles – All Open

Rumors Neil Simon and PPF Dir and DatesIn this elaborate farce, four couples are invited to a dinner party to celebrate a 10th wedding anniversary.  However, as each couple arrives, they discover there are no servants, the hostess is missing, the dinner remains frozen in the sink, and the host – the deputy mayor of New York City – has been shot and they need to keep it all “hush-hush”.  A nicotine fit, a damaged BMW, whiplash, misguided jealousy, a reoccurring back spasm, fooling the cops and rumors galore add to the comedic mayhem.  The situation gets even more hilarious when no one can remember what lie has been told to whom.  One of Neil Simon’s best! 

Ten Roles (4 Women – 4 Men, Two Flexible) – All Open

The Providence Players of Fairfax is a non-profit community theater troupe. All participation is on a volunteer, non-compensated basis.

Audition Dates

Monday  March 24th, 6:30 – 9:45 pm (In the James Lee Theater)

Tuesday March 25th,  6:30 – 9:45 pm (In the James Lee Theater)

Call-Backs (if needed and By Invitation):

Saturday March 29,  11:00 am to 3:00 pm (In the James Lee Theater)


The James Lee Community Center Theater

2855 Annandale Road

Falls Church, VA 22042

Performance Dates And Times

Preview Thursday May 29 7:00 p.m. Curtain

Thursday Friday and Saturday 7:30 p.m.
May 30, 31, June 5, 6, 7, 12, 13 & 14
Sunday Matinees 2:00 p.m.
June 1 & 8

Audition Information/Instructions

PLEASE RSVP to providenceplayers@cox.net with the initial audition date you plan on attending (Match 24th or March 25th).

  • HOW WE WORK:  PPF does not give specific audition appointments. Please plan on coming to at the beginning of audition time and plan on staying through the end if at all possible. Most PPF auditions have actors up and down to read multiple times in multiple combinations and scenes. Most actors find this fun.  You will be able to watch all the auditions. You may be asked to go into the hallway with audition partners and work a bit on a scene.  We will do our best to get you up multiple times reading for parts you are interested in. You will also be asked to read for other parts you may not be auditioning for. The Providence Players strives to make our productions open to interested and engaged actors & actresses, regardless of their level of experience. We try and make our auditions as relaxing and fun as possible.
  • AUDITION PROCESS: Auditions will consist of cold readings from the script – No monologue require
  • AUDITION SIDES: Sides for the audition process will be supplied at auditions.
  • AUDITION FORM: Resumes and headshots will be accepted, but are not required. Please ALSO complete the PPF Rumors Audition Form included in the printable audition package available on our website and bring it with you to the audition. Be sure to include all known rehearsal conflict dates on the form.
  • MEMBERSHIP:  The Providence Players of Fairfax is a membership organization. Membership is not required to audition. If cast, actors in addition to production team members will be asked to become members of the Providence Players ($10) for the season (if they are not already).
  • RSVP: Please send us an RSVP if you plan to audition to providenceplayers@cox.net (or email us any questions you may have).

Rehearsal Schedule:

A copy of the Rumors production calendar is included in the printable audition package  and will be available at auditions. Please note that changes are possible and additional rehearsals could be added as needed.  The production schedule contains our theater access times and, unless indicated otherwise, all rehearsals will take place at the James Lee Community Center. Rehearsals will be held in the evenings roughly from 6:30/6:45 to 9:45 pm and on Saturdays and Sundays as indicated. Specific call times for specific cast members will be determined as the production proceeds. Please be available for all times listed on the calendar and please let the Director know of  any new conflicts not provided on your audition form that may come up during the course of the production.

Please come to auditions prepared to list any availability conflicts over this time period.

 Character Summary – 4  Women – 4  Men  –  Two Flexible – All Open

All of the characters in this play are funny.   Each actor has to have comedic timing and the ability to still keep characters real on stage without coming across like clowns.  Characters ages noted are ideal, but not set in stone. Actors should consider roles if they feel they can represent the age ranges listed, in either direction.   Meaning, if you are 25 and think you can pull off 55 – give it a try.  Additionally, ages of the couples will most likely be cast traditional i.e. Cookie will not be 58 and married to a 28 year old young hunk of an Ernie. Characters are listed in order of appearance.

Chris Gorman: Female, 30-50. Ken’s elegant and attractive wife who is a lawyer.  She is a bit high strung when faced with high stress situations to include nervous habits like smoking, nail biting and such.

Ken Gorman: Male, 30-50. A well-spoken, handsome attorney. A bit high strung. He is a lawyer married to Chris.  He is a little excitable himself, but tends to see things from a legal point of view and is generally good at thinking on his feet – generally.

Claire Ganz: Female, 30-50. Lenny’s gossip-monger, attractive wife. A Westchester, New York housewife type who is a woman used to being in control, but who gradually falls apart through the show as she drinks through the night.

Lenny Ganz: Male, 30-50. An accountant who irascible is, sarcastic, and yet very likeable.  He is married to Claire.  They have just had a car accident to Lenny’s much loved new BMW.  He has hurt his neck and broken their expensive gift.  He constantly jumps to conclusions.

Ernie Cusak: Male, 40-65. A smug psychiatrist by trade, but adoring husband to Cookie Cusak.  At times he feels under appreciated by the rest of the group.  This role will be supporting Cookie’s back spasms throughout.

Cookie Cusak: Female, 40-65. Ernie’s wife and a popular cooking show host with a really bad back. She has a very dramatic, physical personality.   This role requires a lot of physical comedy and a limber actor to sell the ongoing back issues which include crawling on the floor.

Glenn Cooper: Male, 30-50. Handsome yet obvious politician looking type who is full of ambition.  He wants to be with the “in crowd” and go places.  He does love his wife, but he is also preparing for a run for the state senate.

Cassie Cooper: Female, 21-30. Glenn’s gorgeous trophy wife; she is quite insecure even though obviously sexy.  A jealous type as well as mystical believer, she’s unsure of what everyone thinks of her, i.e. she does not want to be the pretty bimbo; but kind of is.

Officer Pudney: Male or Female, 20-30. Act II only. A rookie cop with only one line.  However, this officer’s silence can be hysterical too. 

Officer Welch: Male or Female (male preferred): 30-60. Act II only. A vigorous, straight- talking, veteran police officer.  Though few lines, this character can be funny too.  This actor will also need to portray taking control the room full of hysterical & drunk characters and bring closure to the show.