Just Two Weekends Remain
The Providence Players Present Other Desert Cities
By Jon Robin Baitz – Directed by Tina Thronson
James Lee Community Center Theater 2855 Annandale Rd Falls Church VA
Tickets On Sale Here
Not for young children- mature themes and strong language
Thursday, Friday and Saturday 7:30 p.m. March 19, 20, 21, 26, 27 & 28
Final Sunday Matinee 2:00 p.m. March 22
“Skilled, seasoned actors make this beautifully written play a laugh-filled, enjoyable evening that you will be talking about for some time.Laughter in Other Desert Cities is frequent and well-earned.The Providence Players find both delightful comedy and poignant drama in this beautifully written piece. Bobby Welsh is terrific as Trip Wyeth.. Silda Grauman is played energetically and with great humor by Barbara Gertzog. The set is excellent [and the] Lighting Design by Jason Hamrick was strong. Don’t delay, and get your tickets now to Providence Players of Fairfax’s superb Other Desert Cities.” from DcMetrotheaterArts Chuck Leonard
“Seriously! The script, acting, set, everything was so well done. Such a bargain for a night’s first class entertainment!” – Audience Member
“I was in VA last week-end and attended opening night of “Other Desert Cities”. Your cast did a fabulous job–the humor and pain of the Wyeth family story was beautifully presented. Your set was very bright, sunny and very Palm Springs! Thanks for an enjoyable evening in a beautiful and comfortable theatre with an accessible parking area.” – Audience Member
About Other Desert Cities: The Play, the Cast and Other Production Information
Recently, one of the hottest tickets on Broadway and a 2012 Tony nominee, Other Desert Cities opens on the Providence Players stage at the James Lee Community Center Theater through March 28th. This Pulitzer Prize Finalist play by Jon Robin Baitz is a funny and smart drama filled with witty repartee that both dazzles and decimates. It is beautifully written and is full of both humorous and deeply felt moments. The New York Times called Other Desert Cities “the best new play on Broadway,” and audiences everywhere are finding it both entertaining and insightful. This witty and thought provoking family drama strikes the perfect balance between comedy and drama and has been called “smart, supremely entertaining and richly satisfying”.
Reserve Tickets By Email at providenceplayerstickets@cox.net
By Phone at 703-425-6782
Or Purchase at the Door
Not for young children- mature themes and strong language
James Lee Community Center Theater 2855 Annandale Rd Falls Church VA