Providence Players closed our production of Tim Firth’s Calendar Girls, directed by Michael Donahue, this past Saturday night. We had a sell out on Friday and a huge, wonderful, audience on Saturday and the play, by all measures, was a resounding success. More than 1,100 people came to the show (some twice) and the audience feedback throughout the run was fabulous. The show garnered a five star rating from but more importantly, you, our audience really responded well to the show. We received such wonderful comments via email, on Facebook and in the theater. That always thrills us! Calendar Girls as our lead production this year, also helped spur a significant increase in our season tickets sales as well.
The cast and crew of Calendar Girls as well as the Providence Players Board of Directors, would like to thank you, our audience, for your patronage and support and for making the show a great success and such fun to do!
Enjoy some images from the show below and please plan on seeing our next production, Snow White and the Family Dwarf by Greg Palmer and directed by Beth Whitehead. It is a wonderful and funny twist on the classic fairy tale and a show that will appeal to audiences of all ages. And, Half of all net proceeds from the production will be donated to Young Hearts Foundation that strives to improve the lives of young people affected by long-term illness. For the past three years, over $24,000 was generated to support this important cause, and PPF hopes to increase its support in 2015. Again, thank you and continue to join us! TICKETS ON SALE NOW
Photos by Chip Gertzog, Providence Players
Click on the Pic to Enlarge

Join us for Snow White and the Family Dwarf beginning December 11th!