Opens This Friday!
Nine Stories One Magical Night In “Almost, Maine”
The Providence Players present John Cariani’s sweet, poignant, and witty romantic comedy Almost, Maine April 1 through April 16 at the James Lee Community Center Theater.
PPF Almost, Maine Trailer Video
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Providence Players’ audiences will really enjoy this uniquely structured play. Nine stories, each unique and magical, yet connected by time, place and the theme of love, will make audiences smile, laugh-out-loud, think and perhaps shed a tear. The talented cast marvelously captures both the witty and absurd magic of these stories as well as the authenticity of each story’s message. The play is wonderfully unpredictable and is simply great theater.
Almost, Maine, by John Cariani
Directed by Chip Gertzog
On a cold, clear, moonless night in the middle of winter, all is not quite what it seems in the remote, mythical town of Almost, Maine. As the northern lights hover, the residents find themselves falling in and out of love in unexpected and often hilarious ways. Knees are bruised. Hearts are broken. But the bruises heal, and the hearts mend—almost—in this delightful midwinter night’s dream. This whimsical slice-of-life, written by John Cariani and performed by the Providence Players, is witty, romantic, clever and a real crowd-pleaser. A hit when it premiered off-Broadway, critics from coast to coast have since praised the poignancy and surreal wonder of Almost, Maine‘s overlapping vignettes about the joys and risks of love.
The New York Times said “ALMOST, MAINE is a series of nine amiably absurdist vignettes about love, with a touch of good-natured magic realism…witty, romantic, unsentimental. A beautifully structured play, with nifty surprise endings (most but not all of them happy).”
Almost, Maine
At The James Lee Community Center Theater – 2855 Annandale Rd, Falls Church
Evenings – Thurs, Fri, and Sat at 7:30 PM April 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 14, 15 & 16
Sun Matinees 2:00 PM April 3 & 10
Tickets Adults $20 Students and Seniors $17
Purchase Online: Here (Best Seat Selection)
Reserved: By Email At:
By Leaving a Voicemail At: 703-425-6782
Or Purchased at the Door

The Cast of Almost, Maine
Christopher Crockett……….Pete, Steve
Amanda Ranowsky………….Ginnette
Bob Thompson………………..East
Susan Kaplan………………….Glory
Jack Read………………………Jimmy, Dave
Elizabeth Floyd………………Sandrine
Julie Janson…………………..Waitress, Rhonda
Jenny Madorsky…………….Marvalyn
Rob Cuevas……………………Lendall, Randy
Allison Turkel………………..Gayle
Steven Feder…………………Man, Dave
Stuart Fischer……………….Phil
Liz Mykietyn…………………Marci
Elizabeth Keith……………..Hope