We added more seats, but don’t delay. They are selling fast. Get your tickets today!

“Staged during the aftermath of the Anita Hill hearings, David Mamet’s 1992 Oleanna electrified and enraged audiences, producing countless accounts of outbursts during, and arguments after, the play. Described as “a buzz saw of gender, sex, and power” (David Marcus, The Federalist), Oleanna takes on new life in the #metoo movement. While often described as a commentary on sexual harassment and political correctness, Oleanna is a play about what happens when we stop listening to each other and forget that we are all human.” Director, Julie Janson.
Photos: Christopher Crockett as John and Amanda Ranowsky as Carol in Oleanna by David Mamet. All photos by Chip Gertzog.
“We wanted to stretch ourselves artistically, and take on new material that we would not normally choose for our regular four-show season. Oleanna is a perfect example: intensely charged, highly relevant to our time, somewhat controversial and an intriguing bit of theater by David Mamet – and can be done with a minimal set. We have wanted to try a “black box” approach in a smaller, more intimate venue. This is our first attempt, and we hope to be able to do more like it. Join us!” President, Jayne L. Victor.