“The four actors tackle Mamet’s tough and multilayered script with gleeful abandon. (I almost said they acted the hell out of it, but that would have been truly unforgivable.)…You may emerge not fully understanding Mamet’s views on hell, but you’ll have had both a thought-provoking and a wildly exciting ride.” Gina Dalfonzo, DC Metro Theater Arts Critic.
(Read the full review by clicking the banner below)

“Michael Donahue is excellent as the fisherman-dressed Interrogator, a stand-in for the devil…
Jayne L. Victor dressed in black with red high heels (and bright red hair) does her part well as his Assistant.
Lindsey June as Glenna, a temporary visitor to hell, shows unusual character turns…
…Bill Bodie is a very believable everyman as Bobby Gould, neither good nor bad, he says, but a “B- human being.”
– Dr. Mark Dreisonstok, Maryland Theater Guide Theater Arts Critic
See more great photos of Bobby Gould in Hell. Photos include: Michael Donahue as the Interrogator, Jayne L. Victor as the Assistant, William Bodie as Bobby Gould, and Lindsey June as Glenna. All photos by Chip Gertzog