Casting Announcement: “Sleight of Hand,” A PopUp

On behalf of Providence Players of Fairfax, Director and Playwright, Mary Zuzik Andrechik is pleased to announce the cast of Sleight of Hand.

Playwright and Director, Mary Zuzik Andrechik


A light-hearted comedy, Sleight of Hand follows 95-year-old Harvey as he looks to add some excitement to his life by robbing a bank.  His wife, Esther, and best friends, Arthur and Mildred, all think he is crazy, but Harvey forges ahead on his adventure.  While in the bank, he must confront the flaws in his plan, along with the Bank President and Bank Security, until his beloved Esther rushes in.  Sleight of Hand is a delightful, short comedy that proves that you are never too old to cross something off your bucket list.


Harvey – Fred Lash
Esther – Frankie Haan
Arthur – Joe Puzzo
Mildred – Renate Wallenberg
Bank Teller – Danette Illig
Leila Trumbold – Amanda Jones
Officer Linda Bakri – MyChi Haan