PPF Honored With 7 WATCH Award Nominations

WATCH LogoLast night (January 19, 2014), at the Birchmere in Alexandria, Virginia, Washington area community theater companies announced their 14th Annual Washington Area Community Theatre Honors (WATCH) Award nominations for calendar year 2013. 114 productions (42 musicals, 72 plays) from 33 theater companies performing from Annapolis, MD. in the east, to Fauquier County, VA in the west and covering the greater DC, MD, Northern Virginia region were adjudicated this year.

The Providence Players of Fairfax (PPF) were honored with 7 award nominations for two productions in another year marked by extremely broad distribution of nominations throughout the member companies. Congratulations to all PPF award nominees, the 26 member companies recognized with nominations and to all 33 WATCH member community theater companies for one of the strongest years of community theater entertainment since watch was formed. PPF would like to thank Mario Font for representing PPF on the WATCH Board and for coordinating our adjudication assignments.

The PPF 2013 WATCH Award Nominees are:

Outstanding Costume Design in a Play – Robbie Snow  – Is He Dead?

Outstanding Properties in a Play – Andra Whitt  – Is He Dead?

Outstanding Set Design in a Play – Raedun de Alba  – Is He Dead?

Outstanding Set Construction in a Play – Chip Gertzog, Mike Mattheisen, David Schwartz  – Is He Dead?

Outstanding Set Painting in a Play – Paul Hennesy & Mike Mattheisen  – Is He Dead?

Outstanding Set Decoration in a Play – Paul Hennesy & Mike Mattheisen  – Is He Dead?

Outstanding Special Effects  – Chip Gertzog & Jimmy Gertzog  – Little Shop of Horrors

The Washington Area Theatre Community Honors (WATCH) is an organization founded for the adjudication and presentation of annual awards recognizing artistic and technical excellence in community theatre throughout the metropolitan Washington, D.C. area. 10 judges from the 33 member companies saw and scored each of the 114 shows, each actor and each production element. The high and low scores are eliminated and the remaining 8 scores are averaged. The top 5 or 6 scorers in each category receive nominations with the high score receiving the WATCH Award in that category.

The Providence Players first joined WATCH in 2004. Since joining WATCH, PPF has been honored with nearly 70 WATCH nominations and awards. The 14th Annual WATCH Award Ceremony will be held on March 9, 2014 at The Birchmere.

The full list of all WATCH award nominations may be found at:

http://www.dcmetrotheaterarts.com/2014/01/19/14th-watch-awards-announced/ and  http://www.washingtontheater.org/

"Is He Dead?" Honored With 6 WATCH Nominations
“Is He Dead?” Honored With 6 WATCH Nominations
"Little Shop of Horrors: Honored With WATCH Nomination for Special Effects
“Little Shop of Horrors: Honored With WATCH Nomination for Special Effects

Patrick’s Path To The Players

Recently, Providence Players own Patrick David was invited by a local Falls Church Business, DuBro Architects + Builders,  to do a post on their blog about his experience joining the Providence Players. Here is that post:

Broadway is closer to Broad Street than you think!
Posted on Nov. 11, 2013, 2:28 p.m. by Patrick David.


Editor’s Note: Patrick David lives with his wife, Ingrid, in the City of Falls Church, a place that has been his home since his family first moved here in 1955.Schooled: Saint James Catholic School; Bishop O’Connell High School; University of Virginia (Speech and Drama); George Washington University – Masters in Information Technology. Patrick is currently at the FDA in IT, but his days stagehanding and set building at notable venues such as The Kennedy Center, The National Theatre and Ford’s Theatre give a hint to the voice he shares here at The Round Table about a prized venue in our community.

Since graduating from college in the 70‘s with a degree in Speech and Drama, I hadn’t tried my hand at acting in decades.  Not until I saw a call for auditions in our local Falls Church News Press, back in 2005.

So, one evening over dinner with my wife, I casually mentioned that I might audition for a show. My wife looked at me blankly, waiting for the punch line.

“Go on..?” she said.

And I did.  In our years together, I never quite revealed my long desire to return to the stage.  Now, my secret was officially out, much to my wife’s delight.  There was no turning back now.

The next evening, with considerable trepidation, I called the director and ran through the usual checklist:

“Do I need a headshot?”

“Do I prepare a memorized piece?”

Do I bring my own throw-up bag or will you provide those?

“Nope, just stop on by and we’ll go from there,” she replied.

Shoot.  Had there been a “yes” to any of those questions:  I was fully prepared with my exit strategy.   Yet, her welcoming tone and words of encouragement were just the shot in the arm I needed to put my foot in the door.

I arrived on the appointed evening with a healthy collection of butterflies in my stomach and a head devoid of all but one question:

What on earth am I doing here?

I looked around: it seemed like I was crashing a family reunion. Lots of camaraderie and friendly banter.  They didn’t know they were about to meet the black sheep of the family.  The cousin no one knew about.  Who, upon opening his mouth:  would not be able to utter a single sound.

My thespian fantasy was slowly becoming my real-life nightmare.

The play was “Twelve Angry Men”, written by Reginald Rose in 1957.  Many might remember it was first produced for TV with Henry Fonda playing the role of Juror No. 8.

The director asked us to read snippets of different parts with each other.  Despite my fear of reading out loud, a fear held since high school, I surprised even myself and actually began to enjoy the process.

A few days later, the director called and asked if I would accept the role of  Juror No.10, the bigot.

(Patrick center giving a hate filled rant)

Are you sure you dialed the right number? 

I was both dumbfounded and thrilled.   And with that, I was about to put my big foot on the even bigger stage of community theatre.

Our cast was a group from all walks of life: a minister, a bus driver, a carpenter and two lawyers, just to name a few.  The federal worker was dutifully represented by yours truly.  A motley mix, but with one common thread:  the love of live theatre.  Despite everyone having full time jobs, the cast rehearsed 4 hours on weeknights and 8-10 hours on weekends.  Long, busy schedules, but no one complained.  And I was once again, hooked.

I have found that acting sometimes feels like walking a tightrope without a net. If you slip up: nothing will catch you. But then…someone does have your back: your fellow actors (provided you not alone on the stage.)  I’ve had these actors deftly get me back on track after I’ve “gone down”, where I can’t remember my line.  Or, even worse, if something unexpected happens.  As was the case in the production of “Rough Crossing,” a play by Tom Stoppard, which takes place on ship.

In one scene, our “butler” exits the stage and in preparation for the next scene, completely douses himself with water.  Unfortunately, he was preparing two scenes too early.  As a result, he couldn’t make his next entrance, which left the four of us on stage, in a growing panic in front of a packed house of 200.

A few pro-longed seconds went by.  Suddenly, another fellow actor boldly pronounces, “ I WILL GO LOOK FOR HIM ON THE UPPER DECK!”  He exits. That left three of us on stage with no lines and no clue what to do.

Time ticked by at a glacier pace.  We were left with no choice but to improvise a dialogue for what felt like the next hour.  (I’m later told it was more like two minutes.)

Just before we had completely written another scene into the play, another actor comes to our rescue and promptly begins the next scene.  And with no apologies to the playwright, we wound up skipping the entire 3rd scene of the 2nd act.

As a company, there are many moving parts that seem to miraculously come together for each production. The sets are designed and built from scratch; the lighting as well. Creating the costumes, decorating the set, finding the props, adding the sound, lighting the actor, lighting the set, marketing the show, selling the tickets….these are just some of the many spokes to this wheel.

Weekend set building

Each moving piece brings us to that moment on stage.   When the energy of the actors combines with the energy of the audience: its then the stars seem to align. You feel a part of that wondrous event called the magic of the theatre.

Since that first play, I’ve enjoyed many of these roles with the Providence Players – as an actor, set designer, carpenter, stage hand, house manager and usher, to name a few.

While I enjoy all these hats, it’s the acting which is my stronghold. Whether through the laughter of slapstick or the understanding of a complex character, it’s that fleeting moment of connection that brings me back to the stage every time, wanting to give more to the audience, more to that community. It is then I feel all the time and effort I’ve put in to rehearsing and memorizing lines have paid off.

The other day, I was shopping at Giant for dinner.   A woman approached me with an inquisitive look. She said she remembered my face from a play she saw the year before. She told me that she and her husband had never laughed so much during a show.

Patrick “in drag” in “Is He Dead?”


I thanked her and as I walked away, I thought what a nice gift to give someone – the experience of really good theatre. It’s what brings me back every time.

Scene from Mark Twain’s “Is He Dead?”

So where can you find live theatre within walking distance of Browns Hardware Store?  (A short trek: ten minutes, maybe fifteen – but well worth it.)  Walk on over and you’ll find the Providence Players of Fairfax  performing at the James Lee Community Center.  Its one among a few great venues in our area, like the State Theatre and the Creative Cauldron.

This local, award winning theatre group is one of the best-kept secrets in Falls Church.  They are the recipient of numerous WATCH awards and the 2009 Ruby Griffith Award for the production, “All My Sons.”

With off-off broadway ticket prices combined with critically acclaimed productions such as “You Can’t Take It With You”, “Moon Over Buffalo” and “Twelfth Night” : look no further than your own backyard for quality entertainment.  Four times a year (and with one holiday show), this talented and dedicated theatre group brings the magic of live theatre to the City of Falls Church and our surrounding communities.

Ingrid and Patrick getting some beach time

You’ll enjoy the action on our unique sets, many of which have been built by some of your own friends and neighbors.  My wife has even become involved, lending her talents to set design and set decoration.

And hey, don’t be shy:  if you have a secret ambition to be on the stage, come join us for auditions. I’ll bring the bag, but you probably won’t need it.

FROM PPF – Patrick, of course,  most recently helped build the marvelous set that will be used in the Providence Players upcoming production of “A Christmas Carol“.  You can get your tickets here.  Throughout this holiday season, you will find Pat and Ingrid behind the scenes helping or in the audience. Join them, as we say, “on stage, behind the scenes or in the audience“!


Audition Information Update: “The House of Blue Leaves” Tonight (Wed (1/8/13) and Thurs. (1/9) at 6:30 PM


The Providence Players of Fairfax will be holding auditions for our production of John Guare’s The House of Blue Leaves, Directed by Michael Donahue on January 7th, 8th, and 9th from 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM at the James Lee Community Center at 2855 Annandale Rd, Falls Church VA 22042.

Eleven Roles (6 Women – 5 Men) – All Open

The Providence Players of Fairfax is a non-profit community theater troupe. All participation is on a volunteer, non-compensated basis.

The House of Blue Leaves
By John Guare
Directed by Michael Donahue

Audition Dates and Times Logo HOBL

In this whacky, poignant comedy, Zoo attendant Artie Shaughnessy is a failed songwriter with visions of fame and glory.  He copes with an overly medicated wife, an impatient mistress, an AWOL and homicidal son being pursued by military police, and beer-drinking nuns on the day the Pope visits New York City.  His girlfriend convinces Artie to call his old school buddy Billy Einhorn, a famous film director from Los Angeles, to finagle a job writing music for Billy’s movies in a desperate attempt to find stardom.  Set in 1965 in Queens NY, House of Blue Leaves is a unique blend of farce, dark comedy and drama.  It illuminates the American dream and an obsession with celebrities that is still relevant today.  Winner of the Obie and Drama Critics’ awards for Best American Play.  This production contains mature themes and graphic language.

Performance Dates and Times

Thursday, March 13, 7:00 pm Curtain

Evening Performances:
Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays; 7:30 pm Curtain
March 14, 15, 20, 21, 22, 27, 28, & 29

Sundays; 2:00 pm curtain
March 16 & 23

Audition Dates

Tuesday, Jan 7,  6:30 -9:30 pm (In the James Lee Multi-purpose Rm)

Wednesday, Jan 8, 6:30-9:30 pm (In the James Lee Multi-purpose Rm)

Call-Backs (if needed):
Thursday Jan 9, 6:30-9:300 pm (In the James Lee Urbanites Rm)*


The James Lee Community Center
2855 Annandale Road
Falls Church, VA 22042
(Look For Signs To Audition Room)

*If you are not able to make initial auditions on Jan 7th or 8th, some initial auditions may be scheduled for early in the evening of Thursday January 9th with prior approval of the director. He may be contacted at mpdonahue60@gmail.com

Audition Information/Instructions

  • PLEASE RSVP to providenceplayers@cox.net with the dates you plan on auditioning.
  • HOW WE WORK: You are encouraged to plan to come to auditions on more than one of the audition evenings. This is not a requirement. Most PPF auditions have actors up and down to read multiple times in multiple combinations and scenes. Most actors find this fun. As space allows, you will be able to watch all the auditions. You may be asked to go into the hallway with audition partners and work a bit on a scene.  We will do our best to get you up multiple times reading for parts you are interested in. You will also be asked to read for other parts you may not be auditioning for. The Providence Players strives to make our productions open to interested and engaged actors & actresses, regardless of their level of experience. We try and make our auditions as relaxing and fun as possible.
  • AUDITION PROCESS: Auditions will consist of readings from the script – No monologue required.
  • AUDITION SIDES: Sides for the audition process will be supplied at auditions.
  • AUDITION FORM: Resumes and headshots will be accepted, but are not required. Please ALSO complete the attached PPF The House of Blue Leaves Audition Form and bring it with you to the audition. This will also be available on our website.
  • MEMBERSHIP:  The Providence Players of Fairfax is a membership organization. Membership is not required to audition. If cast, actors in addition to production team members will be asked to become members of the Providence Players ($10) for the season (if they are not already).
  • RSVP: Please send us an RSVP if you plan to audition to providenceplayers@cox.net .

Rehearsal Schedule:

A copy of the preliminary stage rehearsal schedule is included with this announcement and will be available online and at auditions. In addition to the stage rehearsal schedule, additional  full cast readings of the play and some selected scene study and character work will scheduled based on actor availability prior to or in addition to the stage schedule. The schedule for these will be finalized a week or two after auditions.   Unless indicated otherwise, all rehearsals will happen at the James Lee Community Center. Rehearsals will be held in the evenings roughly from 6:30/6:45 to 9:45pm. and on Saturdays and Sundays as indicated.

 Please come to auditions prepared to list any availability conflicts over this time period.

  Character Summary – 6 Women – 5 Men – All Open

The House of Blue Leaves Characters – Women (6 Roles)

Bunny Flingus (40s/50s)

Artie’s girl friend and downstairs neighbor. Amazing cook and supportive of Arti’s musical ambitions. Once Bananas (Artie’s wife) is out of the way, she plans on marrying Artie. Controlling of Artie and jealous of Bananas. But at the first chance she gets,, (an offer to move to Australia) she dumps Artie for a new life.

Bananas Shaughnessy (40s/50s)

Artie’s wife. Suffering from mental illness for a long time. Has not left apartment in months. Fears going to mental hospital, Although ill, she can be lucid and insightful at certain moments. She is killed by Artie at end of play.

Corrinna Stroller (20s to mid 30s)

Girlfriend of Billy. Famous actress who was injured in an accident on a movie set and was rendered partially deaf. She has not worked since the accident. She is a kind person.

Head Nun (Older)

Second Nun (mid 30s to mid 40s)

Little Nun (20s)

The Little Nun is one of three nuns who get trapped on the roof of Artie’s apartment after the Pope drives by. She has not taken her final vows and is not enthusiastic about becoming a Nun. After the two other nuns die in the explosion, she decides not to return to the convent. She is eventually hired by Billy to live in Bunny’s apartment and take care of Bananas.

The House of Blue Leaves Characters – Men (5 Roles)

Artie Shaughnessy  (40s/50s)

The story’s protagonist. His life is at a turning point and he is frustrated on a number of levels. His marriage to Bananas is empty. Because of her illness he feels little more than a caretaker. He has a girlkfriend (Bunny) who is selfish and controlling. He works as a zoo keeper but is really a frustrated song writer. Artie is also worried about his son Ronnie who is in the Army but, like Bananas, suffers from severe mental illness and has violent and paranoid fantasies. At end of play, feeling trapped and helpless, he kills Bananas.

Ronnie Shaughnessy (18 – early 20s) –

Teenage son of Bananas and Artie. In the Army but is AWOL and is at home. His parents are unaware of his presence in the Apartment for most of the play. He is severely mentally ill and plots to build a bomb to blow up the Pope on his visit to New York. Instead of blowing up the Pope he blows up two nuns and Corrinna Stroller. He is arrested but Billy gets him released.

Billy Einhorn  (40s/50s)

Artie’s childhood best friend and has known Bananas for many years and gave her the nickname. Je is a famous Hollywood director and is involved romantically with Corrinna. At Bunny’s urging, Artie gets Billy to help him revive his career as a movie song writer but fails. When Corrinna dies, Billy convinces Bunny to go to Australia leaving Artie alone with Bananas.

A Policeman

The White Man

House of Blue Leaves Audition Dates to Save: January 7th, 8th, and 9th 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM

The Providence Players of Fairfax will be holding auditions for our production of John Guare’s House of Blue Leaves, Directed by Michael Donahue on January 7th, 8th, and 9th from 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM at the James Lee Community Center at 2855 Annandale Rd, Falls Church VA 22042.

Eleven Roles (6 Women – 5 Men) – All Open

The Providence Players of Fairfax is a non-profit community theater troupe. All participation is on a volunteer, non-compensated basis.

Additional  information, including audition process information, character information, and audition rooms will be posted on our website shortly. Please check back for updates.

House of Blue Leaves

By John Guare

Directed by Michael Donahue
Produced by Susan Kaplan and Sue Winfield

House of Blue Leaves Logo with Audition Save the Dates
Save the Dates for House of Blue Leaves Auditions

In this whacky, poignant comedy, Zoo attendant Artie Shaughnessy is a failed songwriter with visions of fame and glory.  He copes with an overly medicated wife, an impatient mistress, an AWOL and homicidal son being pursued by military police, and beer-drinking nuns on the day the Pope visits New York City.  His girlfriend convinces Artie to call his old school buddy Billy Einhorn, a famous film director from Los Angeles, to finagle a job writing music for Billy’s movies in a desperate attempt to find stardom.  Set in 1965 in Queens NY, House of Blue Leaves is a unique blend of farce, dark comedy and drama.  It illuminates the American dream and an obsession with celebrities that is still relevant today.  Winner of the Obie and Drama Critics’ awards for Best American Play.  This production contains mature themes and graphic language.  Single tickets on sale now!

Performance Dates And Times

Thursday, Friday and Saturday 7:30 p.m.
March 14, 15, 20, 21, 22, 27, 28, & 29
Sunday Matinees 2:00 p.m.
March 16 & 23


“A Christmas Carol” receives 4 1/2 stars!

DC Metro Theatre Arts reviewer, Julia L Exline, gives A Christmas Carol four and a half stars.  Read her review on the DC Metro Theatre Arts page to read why.

Performed at the James Lee Community Center Theater Located at 2855 Annandale Rd Falls Church 22042 – “A Christmas Carol” – A Fresh New Production of the Dickens’ Holiday Classic.

A Christmas Carol Photo Montage

On the eve of Christmas, Jacob Marley, and the ghosts of Christmas Past, Present and Yet to Come help Ebenezer Scrooge confront his past and face a bleak future – unless he changes his ways.  A classic story of transformation and redemption, this fresh version of the holiday favorite with the Cratchits, the Fezziwigs and Tiny Tim offer a message of hope and charity – a wonderful way to celebrate the holiday season.

Once again, the Providence Players partner with the Young Hearts Foundation to present a family holiday classic with half the net proceeds of the production going to help find a cure for blood cancers though the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.


Thursday, Friday and Saturday 7:30 p.m.
December 6, 7, 12, 13 & 14
Saturday & Sunday Matinees 2:00 p.m.
December 7, 8, 14 & 15

Run Time Approx. 1.5 hours including intermission

General Admission Seating – $17*

*co-produced with The Young Hearts Foundation, half of all net proceeds will go to help find a cure for blood cancers through the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society

Purchase Online Tickets Here

Email Inquiries/Reserve Will Call: providenceplayerstickets@cox.net   Phone Inquiries/Reserve Will Call: 703-425-6782

Holiday Gift Giving Ideas From PPF

Give the Gift of Theater to Family and Friends

For the first time this holiday season, PPF has made online ticket purchases available for all remaining productions in our 2013-2014 season. Looking for a unique gift, stocking stuffer, Hanukkah gift, hostess gift or a last minute gift idea? Consider giving the gift live theater. Simply follow the Tickets on sale now! link, complete your online order and print your tickets. 


The House of Blue Leaves

By John Guare

Fri Mar 14, 2014 – Sat Mar 29, 2014 – Tickets on sale now!

In this whacky, poignant comedy, Zoo attendant Artie Shaughnessy is a failed songwriter with visions of fame and glory. He copes with an overly medicated wife, an impatient mistress, an AWOL and homicidal son being pursued by military police, and beer-drinking nuns on the day the Pope visits New York City. His girlfriend convinces Artie to call his old school buddy Billy Einhorn, a famous film director from Los Angeles, to finagle a job writing music for Billy’s movies in a desperate attempt to find stardom. Set in 1965 in Queens NY, House of Blue Leaves is a unique blend of farce, dark comedy and drama. It illuminates the American dream and an obsession with celebrities that is still relevant today. Winner of the Obie and Drama Critics’ awards for Best American Play. This production contains mature themes and graphic language. 



By Neil Simon

Fri May 30, 2014 – Sat Jun 14, 2014 – Tickets on sale now!

In this elaborate farce, four couples are invited to a dinner party to celebrate a 10th wedding anniversary. However, as each couple arrives, they discover there are no servants, the hostess is missing, the dinner remains frozen in the sink, and the host – the deputy mayor of New York City – has been shot and they need to keep it all “hush-hush”. A nicotine fit, a damaged BMW, whiplash, misguided jealousy, a reoccurring back spasm, fooling the cops and rumors galore add to the comedic mayhem. The situation gets even more hilarious when no one can remember what lie has been told to whom. One of Neil Simon’s best!  

All are presented at the James Lee Community Center Theater

2855 Annandale Rd Falls Church VA 22042

Ticket Prices for “The House of Blue Leaves” and “Rumors”

Adult – $20
Senior (62+)/Student – $17

Some Great Theater for A Great Cause: A Christmas Carol – Final Four Performances This Weekend – Audience and Critical Hit!

Friday 7:30 PM – Saturday 2 PM & 7:30 PM – Sunday 2:00 PM

Performed at the James Lee Community Center Theater Located at 2855 Annandale Rd Falls Church 22042 – “A Christmas Carol” – A Fresh New Production of the Dickens’ Holiday Classic.

DC Metro Theatre Arts reviewer, Julia L Exline, gives A Christmas Carol four and a half stars.  Read her full review on the DC Metro Theatre Arts page .“Taking in a festive show while knowing that some of the proceeds benefits a good cause? Sounds like a perfect holiday outing to me! I had an enjoyable evening at The Providence Players’ production of A Christmas Carol. Take a break from the overcrowded malls and re-visit the true meaning of Christmas with your family!” – Julia L. Exline, DcMetroTheaterArts.com reviewer.

A Christmas Carol Montage By Chip Gertzog, Providence PlayersOn the eve of Christmas, Jacob Marley, and the ghosts of Christmas Past, Present and Yet to Come help Ebenezer Scrooge confront his past and face a bleak future – unless he changes his ways.  A classic story of transformation and redemption, this fresh version of the holiday favorite with the Cratchits, the Fezziwigs and Tiny Tim offer a message of hope and charity – a wonderful way to celebrate the holiday season.

Once again, the Providence Players partner with the Young Hearts Foundation to present a family holiday classic with half the net proceeds of the production going to help find a cure for blood cancers though the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.


Friday and Saturday 7:30 p.m.
December  13 & 14
Saturday & Sunday Matinees 2:00 p.m.
December  14 & 15

Run Time Approx. 1.5 hours including intermission

General Admission Seating – $17*

*co-produced with The Young Hearts Foundation, half of all net proceeds will go to help find a cure for blood cancers through the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society

Purchase Online Tickets Here

Email Inquiries/Reserve Will Call: providenceplayerstickets@cox.net   Phone Inquiries/Reserve Will Call: 703-425-6782

The Show Will Go On! This Afternoon’s (Sunday 12/8) 2 PM Performance of “A Christmas Carol” Will Be Performed As Scheduled

DC Metro Theatre Arts reviewer, Julia L Exline, gives A Christmas Carol four and a half stars.  Read her review on the DC Metro Theatre Arts page to read why.

Performed at the James Lee Community Center Theater Located at 2855 Annandale Rd Falls Church 22042 – “A Christmas Carol” – A Fresh New Production of the Dickens’ Holiday Classic.

A Christmas Carol Photo Montage

On the eve of Christmas, Jacob Marley, and the ghosts of Christmas Past, Present and Yet to Come help Ebenezer Scrooge confront his past and face a bleak future – unless he changes his ways.  A classic story of transformation and redemption, this fresh version of the holiday favorite with the Cratchits, the Fezziwigs and Tiny Tim offer a message of hope and charity – a wonderful way to celebrate the holiday season.

Once again, the Providence Players partner with the Young Hearts Foundation to present a family holiday classic with half the net proceeds of the production going to help find a cure for blood cancers though the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.


Thursday, Friday and Saturday 7:30 p.m.
December 6, 7, 12, 13 & 14
Saturday & Sunday Matinees 2:00 p.m.
December 7, 8, 14 & 15

Run Time Approx. 1.5 hours including intermission

General Admission Seating – $17*

*co-produced with The Young Hearts Foundation, half of all net proceeds will go to help find a cure for blood cancers through the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society

Purchase Online Tickets Here

Email Inquiries/Reserve Will Call: providenceplayerstickets@cox.net   Phone Inquiries/Reserve Will Call: 703-425-6782

Opening Weekend! Dec 6th thru December 15th “A Christmas Carol”

Performed at the James Lee Community Center Theater Located at 2855 Annandale Rd Falls Church 22042 – “A Christmas Carol” – A Fresh New Production of the Dickens’ Holiday Classic.

A Christmas Carol Photo Montage

On the eve of Christmas, Jacob Marley, and the ghosts of Christmas Past, Present and Yet to Come help Ebenezer Scrooge confront his past and face a bleak future – unless he changes his ways.  A classic story of transformation and redemption, this fresh version of the holiday favorite with the Cratchits, the Fezziwigs and Tiny Tim offer a message of hope and charity – a wonderful way to celebrate the holiday season.

Once again, the Providence Players partner with the Young Hearts Foundation to present a family holiday classic with half the net proceeds of the production going to help find a cure for blood cancers though the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.


Thursday, Friday and Saturday 7:30 p.m.
December 6, 7, 12, 13 & 14
Saturday & Sunday Matinees 2:00 p.m.
December 7, 8, 14 & 15

Run Time Approx. 1.5 hours including intermission

General Admission Seating – $17*

*co-produced with The Young Hearts Foundation, half of all net proceeds will go to help find a cure for blood cancers through the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society

Purchase Online Tickets Here

Email Inquiries/Reserve Will Call: providenceplayerstickets@cox.net   Phone Inquiries/Reserve Will Call: 703-425-6782

Opening Next Friday! Running Through December 15th – Some Great Theater for a Great Cause!

Performed at the James Lee Community Center Theater Located at    2855 Annandale Rd Falls Church 22042

 A Christmas Carol - December 6th through December 15th for 9 Performances: Thurs, Fri, Sat at 7:30 PM. Sat and Sun at 2:00 PM
December 6th through December 15th for 9 Performances: Thurs, Fri, Sat at 7:30 PM. Sat and Sun at 2:00 PM

On the eve of Christmas, Jacob Marley, and the ghosts of Christmas Past, Present and Yet to Come help Ebenezer Scrooge confront his past and face a bleak future – unless he changes his ways.  A classic story of transformation and redemption, this fresh version of the holiday favorite with the Cratchits, the Fezziwigs and Tiny Tim offer a message of hope and charity – a wonderful way to celebrate the holiday season.

Once again, the Providence Players partner with the Young Hearts Foundation to present a family holiday classic with half the net proceeds of the production going to help find a cure for blood cancers though the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.


Thursday, Friday and Saturday 7:30 p.m.
December 6, 7, 12, 13 & 14
Saturday & Sunday Matinees 2:00 p.m.
December 7, 8, 14 & 15

Run Time Approx. 1.5 hours including intermission

General Admission Seating – $17*

*co-produced with The Young Hearts Foundation, half of all net proceeds will go to help find a cure for blood cancers through the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society

Purchase Online Tickets Here

Email Inquiries/Reserve Will Call: providenceplayerstickets@cox.net   Phone Inquiries/Reserve Will Call: 703-425-6782

The cast includes some Providence Players favorites, some returning members from plays past, and some marvelous newcomers to the PPF stage:


John Barklay Burns.… Ebenezer Scrooge
Derek Bradley…………. Fred, Young Scrooge
Stu Fischer……………… Bob Cratchit
Bill Fleming……………. Ghost of Christmas Present, Gentleman, Merchant
Ethan Phillips…………. Peter, Dick Wilkins
Zach Todd……………… Mr.Fezziwig, Old Joe, Gentleman
David Whitehead……. Marley, Topper, Merchant


Ariana Colligan……… Ghost of Christmas Past, Belle, Fan, Martha Cratchit
Eryn Gleason………… Ghost of Christmas Past, Belle, Fan, Martha Cratchit
Amanda Ranowsky… Mrs Cratchit, Sister
Cheryl Sinsabaugh…. Narrator, Charwoman
Charlene Sloan………. Mrs. Fezziwig, Mrs. Fred, Laundress


Tyler Demille…………. Tiny Tim
Brendan Dure………… Little Scrooge, Turkey Boy, Child (Ignorance)
Kyleigh Friel………….. Belinda Cratchit, Turkey Boy
Stephanie Marinova.. Li’l Cratchit, Child (Want)