Additional Audition Date Added – “It’s A Wonderful Life: A Live Radio Play”

Additional Audition Date – “It’s a Wonderful Life:  A Live Radio Play”

Monday October 17, 2011

7 pm to 9 pm – James Lee Community Center Multipurpose Room

 Printable Audition Announcement

The Providence Players are continuing the audition process for “It’s a Wonderful  Life – A Live Radio Play,” which will be performed at the James Lee Community Theatre on Dec 1-4, and again on Dec 8-11.  We are still in the need of men for the supporting roles which require the actors to portray at least 3 characters in the show.  We are also considering women for the supporting roles too.  This show is NOT pre-cast with the same performers from 2010…in fact 4 of the actors from last year are not returning because of conflicts.  We hope you can attend the next round of auditions on Oct 17 (Monday) from 7pm -9pm at the James Lee Center in the Multipurpose Room. Please look for more information at…..This is a great show which I know will get you in the mood for the holidays!

                  Brian O’Connor, Director


 It’s a Wonderful Life:  A Live Radio Play

Adapted by Joe Landry
From the screenplay by Frances Goodrich, Albert Hackett, Frank Capra, and Jo Swerling

Directed by Brian O’Connor

Turn back the clock to the 1940s and set the dial for a double dose of holiday nostalgia. This version of It’s a Wonderful Life harkens back to the golden age of radio, and is performed as a live radio broadcast in front of a studio audience. Conceived and drawn directly from Frank Capra’s classic film, a talented ensemble of actors and one clever sound technician tell the story of George Bailey and the night he considers ending his life one fateful Christmas Eve. A holiday treat you will want to share with the entire family.

Performance Dates And Times

Preview Performance Thursday Dec. 1
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday Evening 7:30 p.m. Dec. 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 11
Saturday Matinees 2:00 p.m. Dec. 10
Sunday Matinees 2:00 & 5:00 p.m. Dec. 4 & 11
There is a possibility that the show will be held over for two more performances on the 16th and 17th if scheduling and attendance permit.

Audition Dates/Process

Additional Audition Date: Monday October 17, 7-9pm


TheJamesLeeCommunity Center
2855 Annandale Road
Falls Church,VA22042
Auditions will be held in the multi-purpose room.

From the director

Please come prepared to read different roles from the play – individual readings and scene (multiple persons) readings as well.  I need to see how the voices blend and work together.  Remember, this is a radio show that you will perform in front of microphones.  The voice and characterizations are critical for the play to work, as are the wonderful sounds effects!!  -Brian O’Connor

 Other helpful information

  • Sides for the production will be supplied. 
  • Resumes and headshots are not required, but are encouraged and welcomed. Forms will be available at the time of the auditions for personal and contact information.
  • The Providence Players welcomes both experienced and inexperienced actors and actresses. We try and make our auditions as relaxing and fun as possible.
  • If cast, actors will be asked to become Providence Players Members ($10).
  • Email with any questions.
  • If you are able, please RSVP to to let us know you are coming.

 General Rehearsal Schedule

Rehearsals will start in and around November 1 and will be held in the evenings approx 7-10pm.  We will rehearse only during the week for the first two weeks, due to the director’s weekend work schedule.  More on times and rehearsals will be available in October after the show is cast.  We do hope to work over the holiday Thanksgiving weekend IN the theatre, so please note we will probably work on that Sat and possibly Sunday (if available).

 “It’s a Wonderful Life” – Character Summary

 General information – all cast members will be performing their roles and assisting with sound effects (Foley) during the show.  This is what makes this production so unique. 

 Men (7)

George Bailey – family man, dreamer, full of hope and life

Clarence – angel looking to do the right thing to get his wings!

Henry Potter – Scrooge type who wants total control and has no heart towards anything else!

Joseph/Announcer – Lead performer who hosts the radio show and who will be the “chief angel” who assists with Clarence getting his wings.

The other three men will play a variety of roles from the play including:  George’s father, Cop, Bridge keeper, townsfolk, friends, etc. (The performers in these roles will have a real chance to shine!)

Women (4)

Mary – The home town girl always in love with George

Violet – The town beauty who always is a looker!  She really loves…herself!

Rose – George’s mother, confident, family counselor

The final woman cast will have a series of roles from the town, office, and friends of the Baileys……versatility is a must!!

(Some of the other women’s roles will be played by the woman playing primary roles too.)

Children (2-4)

Two children (perhaps split male and female) playing all child roles.  There may be an opportunity to include as many as four children in the production.



Audition Announcement: “Its A Wonderful Life: A Live Radio Play”

With apologies for the short notice required as a result of scheduling issues

Audition Announcement – Providence Players

 Open Auditions for
“It’s a Wonderful Life:  A Live Radio Play”

7 Male, 4 Female and 2-4 Child Roles

All Open

Printable Audition Announcement

 It’s a Wonderful Life:  A Live Radio Play

Adapted by Joe Landry
From the screenplay by Frances Goodrich, Albert Hackett, Frank Capra, and Jo Swerling

Directed by Brian O’Connor

Turn back the clock to the 1940s and set the dial for a double dose of holiday nostalgia. This version of It’s a Wonderful Life harkens back to the golden age of radio, and is performed as a live radio broadcast in front of a studio audience. Conceived and drawn directly from Frank Capra’s classic film, a talented ensemble of actors and one clever sound technician tell the story of George Bailey and the night he considers ending his life one fateful Christmas Eve. A holiday treat you will want to share with the entire family.

Performance Dates And Times

Preview Performance Thursday Dec. 1
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday Evening 7:30 p.m. Dec. 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 11
Saturday Matinees 2:00 p.m. Dec. 10
Sunday Matinees 2:00 & 5:00 p.m. Dec. 4 & 11
There is a possibility that the show will be held over for two more performances on the 16th and 17th if scheduling and attendance permit.

Audition Dates/Process

Thursday, September 29, 7-9:30pm
Friday, September 30, 7-9:30pm
Call backs: Monday, October 3, 7-9:30pm


TheJamesLeeCommunity Center
2855 Annandale Road
Falls Church,VA22042
Auditions will be held in the multi-purpose room.

From the director

Please come prepared to read different roles from the play – individual readings and scene (multiple persons) readings as well.  I need to see how the voices blend and work together.  Remember, this is a radio show that you will perform in front of microphones.  The voice and characterizations are critical for the play to work, as are the wonderful sounds effects!!  -Brian O’Connor

 Other helpful information

  • Sides for the production will be supplied. 
  • Resumes and headshots are not required, but are encouraged and welcomed. Forms will be available at the time of the auditions for personal and contact information.
  • The Providence Players welcomes both experienced and inexperienced actors and actresses. We try and make our auditions as relaxing and fun as possible.
  • If cast, actors will be asked to become Providence Players Members ($10).
  • Email with any questions.
  • If you are able, please RSVP to to let us know you are coming.

 General Rehearsal Schedule

Rehearsals will start in and around November 1 and will be held in the evenings approx 7-10pm.  We will rehearse only during the week for the first two weeks, due to the director’s weekend work schedule.  More on times and rehearsals will be available in October after the show is cast.  We do hope to work over the holiday Thanksgiving weekend IN the theatre, so please note we will probably work on that Sat and possibly Sunday (if available).

 “It’s a Wonderful Life” – Character Summary

 General information – all cast members will be performing their roles and assisting with sound effects (Foley) during the show.  This is what makes this production so unique. 

 Men (7)

George Bailey – family man, dreamer, full of hope and life

Clarence – angel looking to do the right thing to get his wings!

Henry Potter – Scrooge type who wants total control and has no heart towards anything else!

Joseph/Announcer – Lead performer who hosts the radio show and who will be the “chief angel” who assists with Clarence getting his wings.

The other three men will play a variety of roles from the play including:  George’s father, Cop, Bridge keeper, townsfolk, friends, etc. (The performers in these roles will have a real chance to shine!)

Women (4)

Mary – The home town girl always in love with George

Violet – The town beauty who always is a looker!  She really loves…herself!

Rose – George’s mother, confident, family counselor

The final woman cast will have a series of roles from the town, office, and friends of the Baileys……versatility is a must!!

(Some of the other women’s roles will be played by the woman playing primary roles too.)

Children (2-4)

Two children (perhaps split male and female) playing all child roles.  There may be an opportunity to include as many as four children in the production.



“Auntie Mame” cast announced

Director Jayne Victor is proud to announce the cast for Auntie Mame, PPF’s first production of the 2011-2012 season:

Norah Muldoon:    Madalaine “Mim” Vander-Linden
Patrick Dennis as a boy:    Michael Ryjik
Ito:    Bobby Welsh
Vera Charles:    Ruth Neaveill
M. Lindsay Woolsey:    Sean Wilson
Auntie Mame Dennis:    Beth Whitehead
Mr. Babcock:    Dell Pendergrast
Beauregard Jackson Pickett Burnside:   Patrick David
Cousin Jeff:    Will MacLeod
Sally Cato McDougal:    Andra Whitt
Emory McDougal:    Burke Romans – Murray
Mother Burnside:    Smitty Connolly
Patrick Dennis as a young man:    Will MacLeod
Agnes Gooch:    C. Elizabeth Pfeifer
Brian O’ Bannion:    John Wells
Gloria Upson:    Libbey Eads
Doris Upson:    Barbara Gertzog
Claude Upson:    Craig Geoffrion
Pegeen Ryan:    Jessica Silver
Osbert, Ralph Devine, Stage Manager  & Dr. Shurr:    Larry Craven
A Maid, Shopper, Cousin Fan:     Susan Kaplan
Ensemble:    Geoffrey Baskir
(Kirstin Burt, Shan Nan Goto, Terilee Edwards-Hewitt, Raedun Knutsen, Phil Lentz, & Andrea Van Hook)

Thanks to all who came out and shared their talent in the audition process.

Audition Notice: Auntie Mame

Providence Players of Fairfax announces open auditions for Auntie Mame
A Comedy By Jerome Lawrence and Robert E. Lee
Based on the bestselling novel by Patrick Dennis
Directed by Jayne Victor

Audition Information

Audition Dates
Tuesday, July 12, 7:00 – 9:30pm
Thursday, July 14, 7:00- 9:30pm
Call backs – Monday, July 18, 7:00 – 9:30pm

Audition Location
The James Lee Community Center Theater
2855 Annandale Road
Falls Church, VA 22042

Additional Audition Information

  • All auditions are open and actors are welcome to watch throughout the process. Please expect to be called up on stage multiple times throughout the audition.
  • No roles are precast
  • Auditions will also consist of cold readings from the script.  Audition sides will be provided at the auditions.
  • Headshots are not required but if you have a headshot and/or a theater resume, please feel free to bring it.
  • If at all possible, please plan on arriving as close to 7:00 PM as possible.
  • The Providence Players welcomes both experienced and inexperienced actors and actresses. We try and make our auditions as relaxing and fun as possible.
  • If cast, actors will be asked to become Providence Players members ($10).
  • As a non-profit community theater troupe, the Providence Players does not compensate actors or other persons working on productions.
  • Email with any questions.

Production Information

About the Play
When Patrick loses his father, his wonderfully self-centered, witty and eccentric Aunt Mame, a Fifth Avenue socialite, welcomes him with open arms and introduces him to a life he never imagined. Unaccustomed to children, but not so to interesting friends, parties and the finer things in life, Mame introduces Patrick to a life full of madcap parties, silly escapades and other surprises. Patrick embraces his new home with enthusiasm. Even a stock market crash can’t hinder Mame, who throws herself into a series of unsuccessful jobs and eventually finds a wealthy Southerner to protect her way of life. Love can be wild, fun, and have no bounds when Auntie Mame is around. Auntie Mame is a heartwarming comedy that takes us on a journey of love, acceptance and hysterically wild fun over an 18 year period; 1928 to 1946. This comic classic inspired the musical Mame.

Performance Dates And Times
Thursday, Friday and Saturday 7:30 p.m., Oct. 14, 15, 20, 21, 22, 27, 28 & 29
Sunday Matinees 2:00 p.m. Oct. 16 & 23

Preliminary Rehearsal Schedule

  • The Director intends to hold one or more full cast read throughs, table work and scene and character work throughout the summer and will schedule that once casting is complete. This will be scheduled based on cast availability.
  • Formal stage rehearsals will begin on Tuesday Sept 13 and will be held most weeknights and all day on Saturdays and Sundays from 9/13 until opening weekend. A full rehearsal schedule will be provided. There will be no rehearsal on Friday 9/16, Friday 9/23, Monday 9/26, Monday 10/3, and Monday 10/10 (Columbus Day). There will be rehearsal on Sat. and Sun.
  • Dress rehearsal Weekend/Week will be from Saturday 10/8 thru a student preview performance (Final dress rehearsal) on Thursday 10/13 (No Rehearsal Monday 10/10)

Auntie Mame – Partial Character Summary
As Written: 25 Male Roles, 12 Female Roles, and 3 Boys
(The Director will be exploring doubling actors in some of the smaller roles)

  • Mame Dennis (Lead) – glamorous, eccentric New York socialite), Female 35-60.
  • Vera Charles – a famous British actress from Pittsburgh, Mame’s best friend, Female 35-60.
  • Young Patrick Dennis – bright, curious, adorable young boy who is orphaned and comes to live with his eccentric Auntie Mame. Male 9-13.
  • Patrick Dennis, now a young man, Male 20-25.
  • Ito – Mame’s Asian houseboy, Male 25-50.
  • M. Lindsay Woolsey – Mame’s admirer, Male 35-60.
  • Mr. Babcock – Knickerbocker Bank President, Male 40-65.
  • Agnes Gooch – awkward straight laced secretary who transforms Female 25-40.
  • Norah Muldoon – Irish housekeeper and protector of young Patrick, Female 25-40.
  • Beauregard Jackson Pickett Burnside – Mame’s wealthy southern suitor, Male 35-60
  • Mother Burnside – Beauregard’s southern mother, Female 50-70.
  • Doris Upson – proper , flighty mother of Gloria, Female 40-60
  • Claude Upson – proper, serious father of Gloria, Male 40-60
  • Gloria Upson – Patrick’s fiancée,  Female 20-25
  • Pegeen  Ryan – young interior designer, Female 20-25.
  • Cousin Jeff – Southern gentleman, Male 18-35.
  • Cousin Fan – Snooty Southern Lady, Female 25-40.
  • Cousin Moultrie – Southern gentleman, Male 30-60
  • Sally Cato MacDougal – young Southern belle, Female 16-15.
  • Emory MacDougal – Sally’s younger brother, Male 9-13.
  • Brian O’Bannion – Male 25-45
  • Osbert
  • Ralph Devine
  • Michael Devine
  • Bishop Eleftharosees
  • Al Linden – The stage manager
  • Theatre manager
  • Fred
  • Sam

Congratulations Scholarship Recipients!

In March, Providence Players of Fairfax (PPF) launched its Scholarship Program, in support of graduating seniors from the PPF community who have demonstrated a commitment to theater arts and show strong potential for further contributions to the performing arts.

We are pleased to announce that PPF has chosen four very talented, college-bound students as scholarship recipients:

Emily Adler has been involved in theater arts for six years, appearing with the JCC of Northern Virginia Centertainers, the AFYP Stages at George Mason University, and at Woodson High School.  She has received numerous honors and awards, including this year’s Cappie award for Best Comic Actress in a Musical for her role as Aunt March in Little Women.  Also, the Virginia Theater Association Scholarship for Theatrical Merit Performance, the National Performing Arts Festival Award for Outstanding Performance, and a Cappies Nomination for Best Supporting actress in a play for her role in David and Lisa at Woodson High School.  She is a member of the International Thespian Society as well as the National Honor Society.  She has been described as enthusiastic, bright, and extremely disciplined.  Her drama coach comments, “…Emily is one of the special ones.  She is a talent who shows great promise.”  Emily is headed to the Theatre School at De Paul University in the fall.

Erica Messenger has been an actor, a dancer, a director, a choreographer, a stage combatant and a playwright during her years at Woodson High School and, according to the school’s director of theater arts, has performed all of these roles with passion, skill and great success.  In addition to performing at Woodson, she has appeared onstage at the Little Theater of Alexandria, the AFYP Stages and at Tada!Camp, where she also served as a volunteer counselor.  She is a member of the International Thespian Society and received a Cappies Commendation for outstanding contributions to Woodson’s Theatre Department.  Erica is also the recipient of the Bryn Mawr Book Award “in recognition of an intense intellectual commitment, a purposeful vision of life, and a desire to make a meaningful contribution to the world. “  Erica plans to attend Virginia Commonwealth University in the fall where she will pursue a BFA in acting.

Bill Miller has contributed tirelessly to the Falls Church High School Drama Department for the past three years, serving as the technical director for the school’s 2010 – 11 theater production season.  The head of his high school’s drama department tells us that Bill has demonstrated a strong work ethic, maturity, dedication, and exceptional technical skills.  He is a recent recipient of the National Capital Region Cappies Award for Props and Effects, and was praised by the Cappies for his outstanding lighting and set design execution for the school’s fall production.  He will graduate as a National Honor Thespian and has been nominated for the G. R. Allen Award for technical theater excellence at Falls Church High School.  Bill has focused on training fellow theater techs at Falls Church so that, as his drama teacher notes, “the mantle of excellence will be successfully transferred to capable hands next year.”  Bill plans to attend Longwood University in the fall and major in technical theater.

Jessica Rawls has been involved in theater arts since middle school.  She has been extremely active with Fairfax High School’s drama program, appearing onstage in numerous roles over the past years.  She has participated in the Virginia High School League’s One Act Competition where she received an All Star Actress Nomination for her performance as Exeter in Henry V.   She has been a part of the City of Fairfax Theater Company’s mentoring program for children and a volunteer counselor at Fairfax High School’s drama camp.  For the past four years she has been an officer of the Fairfax Players Theater Department, serving as President for the past two years.  Her stage combat coach shared with us, “In short, if it were possible for me to copy, bottle and sell the talent and work ethic Jess Rawls’ possesses, I’d be a millionaire.”  Jess plans to attend Virginia Commonwealth University School of the Arts and participate in the school’s theater activities.

Each student will receive a $1500 scholarship award to be used toward their college education with a major in any field.  Congratulations to these students.


Announcing our New Season!

Auntie Mame

By Jerome Lawrence and Robert E. Lee
Directed by Jayne Victor

When Patrick loses his father, his wonderfully self-centered, witty and eccentric Aunt Mame welcomes him with open arms and introduces him to a life he never imagined. A life full of madcap parties, silly escapades and some surprises greet him, and Patrick embraces his new home with enthusiasm. Even a stock market crash can’t hinder Mame, who throws herself into a series of unsuccessful jobs and eventually finds a wealthy Southerner to protect her way of life. Love can be wild, fun, and have no bounds when Auntie Mame is around. This comic classic inspired the musical Mame and is not to be missed.  Download the full season brochure.

Performance Dates And Times

Thursday, Friday and Saturday 7:30 p.m.
Oct. 14, 15, 20, 21, 22, 27, 28 & 29
Sunday Matinees 2:00 p.m. Oct. 16 & 23


It’s a Wonderful Life: A Live Radio Play

Adapted by Joe Landry
Directed by Brian O’Connor

Turn back the clock to the 1940s and set the dial for a double dose of  holiday nostalgia. This version of It’s a Wonderful Life harkens back to the golden age of radio, and is performed as a live radio broadcast in front of a studio audience. Cleverly conceived and drawn directly from Frank Capra’s classic film, a talented ensemble of actors and one clever sound technician tell the story of George Bailey and the night he considers ending his life one fateful Christmas Eve. This is a holiday treat you will want to share with the entire family.  Download the full season brochure.

Performance Dates And Times

Friday and Saturday 7:30 p.m. Dec. 2, 3, 9, & 10
Saturday Matinees 2:00 p.m. Dec. 3 & 10
Sunday Matinees 2:00 & 5:00 p.m. Dec. 4 & 11


Side Man

By Warren Leight
Directed by Jimmy Gertzog

An award-winning drama, Side Man captures the pulse and climate of the New York jazz scene: a world of sounds, smoke-filled clubs and cramped apartments. Clifford tells the story of his father Gene, a brilliant musician whose career fades with the decline of jazz and birth of a new musical era. With Gene unwilling and unable to get a full time job, Clifford and his mother Terry struggle to support each other. Through sharp dialogue and  dime-store philosophy, often provided by the musicians in Gene’s band, Side Man depicts redemption and recovery as Clifford struggles with the burden of caring for the adults upon whom he depends.  Download the full season brochure.

Side Man is not for young audiences. It contains mature themes and graphic language.

Winner of the 1999 Tony Award for Best Play and a Pulitzer Prize nominee. After writing Side Man, Warren Leight garnered the Oppenheimer Award for Best New American Playwright.

Performance Dates And Times

Thursday, Friday and Saturday 7:30 p.m.
March 23, 24, 29, 30, 31, April 5, 6 & 7
Sunday Matinees 2:00 p.m. March 25 & April 1



By Anthony Shaffer
Directed by Beth Hughes-Brown

The quintessential “whodunit” classic which one critic called just “clean and bloody fun.” Popular mystery writer Andrew Wyke lives in a world that reflects his obsession with games and gameplaying – a world of plot twists and intricate strategies. In discovering his wife’s lover, Milo Tindle, Andrew devises a devious game to humiliate him. But even the best laid plans can go astray when the police arrive and a new game begins – a game where revenge is devised and murder is plotted. The ultimate game of cat-and-mouse that will keep you guessing when imagination ends and reality begins – a tremendous mystery thriller.  Download the full season brochure.

Winner of the 1971 Tony Award and Drama Critics Circle Award for Best Play.

Performance Dates And Times

Friday and Saturday 7:30 p.m.
May 18, 19, 24, 25, 26, 31, June 1 & 2
Sunday Matinees 2:00 p.m. May 20 & 27


New Concession Partner: Girl Scout Troop #2909

Each year, Providence Players works with worthy organizations to provide concessions to patrons at each PPF performance.  Net proceeds benefit a worthy cause.

Troop #2909

For its final production of the season, Play On! , PPF will work with Girl Scout Troop #2909 of Falls Church, Virginia.

“We are a group of 17 middle schoolers who provide service to homeless shelter guests, cancer survivors, and at risk youth in our community.  We also participate in outdoor adventures such as white water rafting and skiing.  Thank you for your support!”

In February, the troop earned the Girl Scout Bronze Award for Community Work, the highest honor a girl scout junior can achieve.   Learn more about this extraordinary group of young future leaders.

Troop member, Elise Welsh, performed in PPF’s 2010 production of It’s a Wonderful Life: A Live Radio Play.

Elise Welsh posing with fellow actor, Fred Lash

In Girl Scouts, girls discover the fun, friendship, and power of girls together. Through a myriad of enriching experiences, such as extraordinary field trips, sports skill-building clinics, community service projects, cultural exchanges, and environmental stewardships, girls grow courageous and strong. Girl Scouting helps girls develop their full individual potential; relate to others with increasing understanding, skill, and respect; develop values to guide their actions and provide the foundation for sound decision-making; and contribute to the improvement of society through their abilities, leadership skills, and cooperation with others.

Play On! a “crowd pleaser”

David Siegal gives a preview of Providence Players’ upcoming production of Play On!  Here are a few exerpts from the article:

“Beth Gilles-Whitehead calls the Providence Players’ next production, “Play On,” a real crowd pleaser. “The audience will enjoy all the hilarious fun of watching a play-within-a play being rehearsed, then performed with the cast literally falling on their faces” said Giles-Whitehead, who plays a “diva” in the production.

“There is just so much visual humor, it is a really a cross between a bawdy Mel Brooks comedy and a choreographed musical,” she said.

According to Director Beth Hughes-Brown, “Play On” is about “a small town community theater troupe trying to do a show on a shoestring budget, while the playwright continually rewrites the script even up to opening night.”

“The cast are all busybodies trying to get involved in areas of the production that they have no business in,” Hughes-Brown said. “This makes it difficult, if not impossible, to have the show ready since everyone has such firm opinions of what it should be.””

to read more of the article from the Connection.   Please join us starting May 27.  For more information, visit

Order your tickets online now!


“Shadow Box…a wonderful theatre experience.”

The Shadow Box recieves high acclaim from our friends at  We are extremely proud of this production, and we hope you take the opportunity to read this wonderful review.  Here is small excerpt.

“I must say that I don’t cry at plays. Sure I feel the emotions as most of us do, but while sitting in the audience, the emotions are usually kept in check. John Coscia playing Joe and Jayne Victor playing Maggie are two excellent actors. They have totally fleshed out their characters and captured every moment. They will effortlessly rip your heart out and dance on it. All I can say is, “Wow!” what a wonderful theatrical experience. Thank you both. You had me at “Hello!”

Leta Hall in the role of Agnes and Mona Kay Helper in the role of Felicity are yet another tour-de-force actors within our midst. They both quietly present their characters in a way that we all feel as if we’ve known them in our lives. Leta’s characters moments of realization and discoveries with her characters subsequent anguish of responsibilities will tug heartily at your heartstrings. I expected this kind of performance from Leta and she did a fabulous job. In turn, so did Mona Kay Helper. A wonderful job of understanding of her characters life.” –  ShowBizRadio

To read more, please visit



2011 Theater Arts Scholarship Opportunity For High School Seniors

The Providence Players of Fairfax (PPF), as part of our continuing commitment to developing community through theater, is pleased to be able to offer scholarships to graduating seniors from the PPF community with a demonstrated commitment to theater arts who show strong potential for further contributions to theater arts.

Three scholarships, each of $1500, will be available to 2011 graduating seniors with a demonstrated commitment to theater arts who have been accepted to a U.S. accredited college or university or conservatory program with an intent to further contribute to theater arts.  Eligible graduating seniors must (1) reside within the school boundaries of Annandale, Fairfax, Falls Church, George Mason, J.E.B. Stuart, Marshall, Woodson or Yorktown high schools or (2) have been a member of PPF for at least one year. 

The application deadline is April 30, 2011. Additional information about the scholarship program, eligibility, the selection criteria, and the application form is available on our Community Resources page in the Scholarship section. The Application Form can also be accessed here Scholarship Application Form Providence Players (please be sure to review all the guidelines on the Community Resources page.

Decisions on the scholarship awards will be announced by June 1, 2011