Volunteer Opportunity: Strike!

This is the final week of Waiting in the Wings.   The end of a run means “Sunday Strike,” the dismantling of the set.  This is a big production and we will need many willing hands.  So, please join us!  For just a little time or a lot.  Even a little makes a big difference.

Date:  Sunday, October 24
Time:  9:00am to 5:00pm

If you have not seen the show, you will want to be sure to catch it this Thursday, Friday or Saturday night.

Make sure you check out our volunteer opportunities page for other ways to get involved with Providence Players.

Mona Kay Helper as May and Kate Pernia as Lotta

“A truly enjoyable play”

Enjoy this review from ShowBizRadio.

“Waiting in the Wings is a play in three acts by Noel Coward. It shares the life struggles of a group of elderly ladies, all retired actresses, living in a retirement home in England. Each of the ladies deals with their twilight years in her own way, ranging from acceptance to fear and dread. And some with not a care in the world…”

Angelena LeBlanc as Cora and Cheryl Sinsabaugh as Deirdre

New Concession Partner: Chi Omega

Each year, Providence Players works with worthy organizations to provide concessions to patrons at each PPF performance.  Net proceeds benefit a worthy cause.

For its first production of the season, Waiting in the Wings, PPF will work with the
Chi Kappa chapter (at George Mason University) of Chi Omega Fraternity to raise funds for Make-A-Wish Foundation of the Mid-Atlantic which serves local children in Northern Virginia, Washington DC, Maryland and Delaware. 

We are proud to support this exciting alliance between Chi Omega and the Make-A-Wish Foundation which provides a common goal for every Chi Omega collegiate and alumnae chapter; increased visibility of Chi Omega’s volunteerism and philanthropy nationwide; and combined the prestige of a national charity with grassroots support.  In the last two (2) years, Chi Omega has raised nearly $840,000 and committed over 20,000 volunteer hours to this effort.

We are proud to work with Chi Omega in their efforts to help Make-A-Wish Foundation whose mission is to grant the wishes of children with life threatening medical conditions to enrich the human experience with hope, strength and joy. “

Free Teacher-Student Preview

Each production, PPF hosts a special free preview performance for teachers and students.  This week’s preview of “Waiting in the Wings,”  Thursday, October 7 will start at 7pm.  No reservations are required and seating is first come, first served. Hope you can join us!  For dates and information on teacher-student preview performances for future shows, free tickets and other community resources, please visit our community resources page.

Wonderful Cast for “Wonderful Life”

We are pleased to announce the cast for the upcoming holiday production of It’s a Wonderful Life: A Live Radio Play, by Joe Landry.  The director, Brian O’Connor, would like to thank all of those who shared their talent and participated in the auditions. 


David P. Whitehead………………………………….. George Bailey
Fred O. Lash……………………………………… Potter, Mr. Walsh
Michael Khatcheressian……………… Narrator, Harry, Sam, Ernie
Gerry Vans………………………………… Gower, Nick, Uncle Billy
Joseph LeBlanc……………………………… Clarence, Peter Bailey
Patrick David………………………….. Joseph, Bert, Bridgekeeper


Helena Spadacene……………………………………. Mary (Bailey)
Stephanie Hearne…………………………………… Violet, Matilda
Laurie Hinners…………………………………….. Rose, Mrs. Hatch
Tina Thronson………………. Sadie, Ruth Bailey, Mrs. Thompson 


Blake Phillips………………………………….. Young George, Peter
Ethan Phillips…………………………………. Young George, Peter
Nicole Owens…………….. Young Violet/Young Mary, Janie, Zuzu
Elise Welsh……………….. Young Violet/Young Mary, Janie, Zuzu

Audition Announcement: It’s A Wonderful Life

Providence Players of Fairfax announces open auditions for
“It’s a Wonderful Life:  A Live Radio Play”
Directed by Brian O’Connor
6 Male, 4 Female and 2-4 Child Roles
All Open

Audition Dates
Tuesday, September 14, 7-9:30pm
Wednesday, September 15, 7-9:30pm
Call backs: Monday, September 20, 7-9:30pm

The James Lee Community Center
2855 Annandale Road
Falls Church, VA 22042
Auditions will be held in the multi-purpose room.

From the director
Please come prepared to read different roles from the play – individual readings and scene (multiple persons) readings as well.  I need to see how the voices blend and work together.  Remember, this is a radio show that you will perform in front of microphones.  The voice and characterizations are critical for the play to work, as are the wonderful sounds effects!!  – Brian O’Connor

Other helpful information

  • Sides for the production will be supplied. 
  • Resumes and headshots are not required, but are encouraged and welcomed. Forms will be available at the time of the auditions for personal and contact information.
  • The Providence Players welcomes both experienced and inexperienced actors and actresses. We try and make our auditions as relaxing and fun as possible.
  • If cast, actors will be asked to become Providence Players Members ($10).
  • Email providenceplayers@cox.net with any questions.
  • If you are able, please RSVP to providenceplayers@cox.net to let us know you are coming.

General Rehearsal Schedule
Rehearsals will start in and around November 1 and will be held in the evenings approx 7-10pm.  We will rehearse only during the week for the first two weeks, due to the director’s weekend work schedule.  More on times and rehearsals will be available in October after the show is cast.  We do hope to work over the holiday Thanksgiving weekend IN the theatre, so please note we will probably work on that Sat and possibly Sunday (if available).

“It’s a Wonderful Life” – Character Summary
General information – all cast members will be performing their roles and assisting with sound effects (Foley) during the show.  This is what makes this production so unique. 

Men (6)
George Bailey – family man, dreamer, full of hope and life
Clarence – angel looking to do the right thing to get his wings!
Henry Potter – Scrooge type who wants total control and has no heart towards anything else!
Joseph/Announcer – Lead performer who hosts the radio show and who will be the “chief angel” who assists with Clarence getting his wings.
The other two men will play a variety of roles from the play including:  George’s father, Cop, Bridge keeper, townsfolk, friends, etc. (The performers in these roles will have a real chance to shine!)

Women (4)
Mary – The home town girl always in love with George
Violet – The town beauty who always is a looker!  She really loves…herself!
Rose – George’s mother, confident, family counselor
The final woman cast will have a series of roles from the town, office, and friends of the Baileys……versatility is a must!! (Some of the other women’s roles will be played by the woman playing primary roles too.)

Children (2-4)
Two (2) children (perhaps split male and female) playing all child roles.  There may be an opportunity to include as many as four children in the production.

About:  It’s a Wonderful Life:  A Live Radio Play
Adapted by Joe Landry
From the screenplay by Frances Goodrich, Albert Hackett, Frank Capra, and Jo Swerling

Turn back the clock to the 1940s and set the dial for a double dose of holiday nostalgia. This version of It’s a Wonderful Life harkens back to the golden age of radio, and is performed as a live radio broadcast in front of a studio audience. Conceived and drawn directly from Frank Capra’s classic film, a talented ensemble of actors and one clever sound technician tell the story of George Bailey and the night he considers ending his life one fateful Christmas Eve. A holiday treat you will want to share with the entire family.

Performance Dates And Times
Friday and Saturday 7:30 p.m. Dec. 10, 11 & 18
Saturday Matinees 2:00 p.m. Dec. 11 & 18
Sunday Matinees 2:00 & 5:00 p.m. Dec. 12 & 19

Welcome to our new website!

We are thrilled to bring you are new website.   There is a lot here including our new season, how to get tickets (take a look at our season ticket package), community resources and how to join us as artists, members, and supporters.  We also give suggestions on how to plan your visit, as well as our history, venue, production history and more.  So, explore and learn more about us!    

Special thanks to Michael Clark of SBT Web Hosting for helping to build and host the site. If you need help with yours, Mike is the best! Also, special thanks to Ellen Burns and Ellen Burns Design for the great design work and making us look so good.

We hope you enjoy it as much as we enjoyed building it.   Let us know what you think!